Locutus' QOB Voice logsNOTE: I am no longer part of SpaceFleet Online. Here you will here some of the voice logs I did for the QOB. So far the QOB was the only ship in SFOL I did them for. My hopes are to restore all the voice logs I did here. However long back then I had a hard drive crash I wasn't able to fully recover all the logs I did. If you have any the logs not here let me know and I will put them up. In the mean time I am working with backups in hopes to restore those 'lost voice logs' and put them up there. In the past depending on what platform where you could just play these in your browser or you had to download them and then play them. Mac users as long as they had Quicktime installed it just played them right in the brower, so if you have quicktime installed on your Windows machine you should have no problems. It was tested on a Sega Dreamcast game console and it was able to play them so any today Window machine should be able to play them without downloading them first. EnsMedical Log Stardate 9904.17 'I beleive this was my first voice log I did for the QOB. I talk about Narn going though puberty.' Personal log Stardate 990419 'This was only a few days later. It was after a big party took place on the ship and was basicly done as a joke. (WARNING! This voice log contains Commanders Bch's Federation Standard Translation) Personal Log Stardate 0001.03 'This one talks about Narn giving him the disk to the EMH program on the QOB. Locutus wants to fix him. His hand is missing!' Medical sublemental Stardate 0001.03 'More talk of the EMH missing his hand and it talks about Commander's Bch's Borg hand (Thing).' Medical Stardate 0009.19 'This log is Part 1 of 2. I talked about how we recomened the EMH preforming surgery on Narn.' Medical Log part 2 Stardate 0009.20 'This is part 2 of Medical log Stardate 0009.19. I talk about Thomkins coming in to sickbay and he didn't want Narn to find out. |